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Update Incorrect Show ID on Podscribe Dashboard

If you notice that a campaign’s show on your dashboard is incorrect compared to what was written in your spreadsheet of campaigns, you can fix it on Podscribe as long as the show does not have Podscribe’s prefix on. Here’s how:

In the 'By Campaign' tab, hover your mouse over the show artwork (next to the campaign name) and click on ‘Change’.

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For podcasts, get the Apple Podcast ID (the numbers only) from the podcast’s URL:

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Add the ID and Click 'Save':

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For YouTube, click 'Search for YouTube Channel/Playlist URL.’

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If every video published is a podcast episode, then you can copy the link of the Video tab:

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If not all videos published are podcast episodes (eg. the podcast episodes are all in a playlist) then click the playlist tab and select the correct playlist.

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Add the YouTube Channel/Playlist URL and then click Save:

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