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What should I email publishers?

Here is an email template. Feel free to cc if any questions or troubles arise.



For reporting and analytics, could you please ensure the below Podscribe RSS Prefix (guide) is on all of our current and upcoming shows:  In addition, for any dynamically inserted buys, please find attached a CSV with DAI pixels. Thank you,


You can also use our mass publisher feature to auto-email publishers the pixels for campaigns:



Should I send the RSS Prefix or the DAI Pixels?

Send both.

For complete reporting, we recommend requesting both our RSS Prefix and DAI pixels be placed for all campaigns.

Episodic Campaigns If your campaign is episodic — where you are buying by episode, commonly referred to as “baked-in” — the publisher can place the Podscribe RSS Prefix (guide).

An RSS prefix attaches to the podcast, sending every download for every episode to Podscribe, as long as it remains in place.

So, if the podcast has already placed our RSS Prefix, we are good to track all of your episodic buys. The RSS Prefix is generally sufficient for episodic buys. However, if possible, it is recommended to also attach a DAI pixel to episodic campaigns. This lets Podscribe report on the actual number of impressions delivered, and flag any shortfall with total episode downloads (from the RSS Prefix).


Impression Campaigns

If your campaign is an impression buy (fixed number of impressions from an episode, or running across many episodes and/or shows, also known as “DAI” or a run-of-network, run-of-show, or a geo-targeted buy) then you need a DAI pixel.

A DAI pixel attaches directly to your campaign, sending Podscribe every impression your campaign receives.

Each campaign has a unique pixel. However, DAI pixels can typically be reused across multiple flights on the same show or the same targeting.

An RSS prefix alone does not work for a DAI campaign because it sends us every download the podcast receives, but we need a pixel to determine specifically which impressions your ad was in.

For episodic buys, we assume your ad was in every download of the episode we found the ad in (by analyzing the transcript) 🙂.

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