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Campaign Planner Tab

The Podscribe Campaign Planner is an invaluable tool for advertisers aiming to maximize their podcast advertising efforts by identifying shows that offer the greatest net new reach of an audience. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to utilize the Campaign Planner to its full potential:

How to find shows that maximize net new reach

Step 1: Select Advertiser & Identifying Your Base Audience

First, Podscribe analyzes your historical podcast ad buys to determine your base audience. This step involves:

  • Finding Shows: Podscribe identifies all the shows on which you've bought ads in the last three months. For instance, if Podscribe finds 122 shows, these form the base of your analysis.
  • Customization: You have the flexibility to adjust this list by adding shows not automatically picked up by Podscribe or removing ones that were included but aren't relevant to your current strategy. This curated list of shows and their audiences becomes the denominator in calculating net new audience reach.

Step 2: Planning Your Campaign

In the Planned Campaign section, you'll add shows you're considering for your next campaign to evaluate their potential net new reach:

  • Adding Shows: Input the shows you want to compare against your base audience. This could be one or multiple shows depending on your campaign goals.
  • Net New Reach Calculation: Podscribe then calculates the net new reach for each added show individually, as well as the total net new reach across all added shows. This reveals the percentage of the audience that would be newly exposed to your ads, providing a clear picture of the incremental audience reach each show offers.

How to determine audience overlap of shows

The Podscribe Campaign Planner also offers a powerful feature for analyzing audience overlap across multiple podcasts, providing valuable insights into how similar the audiences of chosen shows are to one another. This functionality is particularly useful for advertisers looking to understand the shared listenership between shows, independent of any previous ad buying history. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to utilize this feature:

Step 1: Reset Your Base Audience

First, you’ll start by selecting an advertiser in the Podscribe platform but then remove all shows from the base audience section that Podscribe initially identifies based on past ad buys. This action resets the base audience, effectively removing the influence of any previously exposed audience from your analysis.

Step 2: Select Shows for Comparison

Next, in the Planned Campaign section, add the shows you’re interested in comparing. This could be any number of shows, depending on how broad or narrow you want your comparison to be. For example, if you’re considering whether to place ads on two specific podcasts, you would add both shows to this section.

Step 3: Analyze Audience Overlap

Once the shows are added to the Planned Campaign, Podscribe calculates the overlap in their audiences. This metric reveals the percentage of the audience that listens to both (or all) of the selected shows, providing a clear picture of shared listenership.

Understanding Net New Reach

Net new reach is presented as both a percentage and a number, indicating the proportion and size of the audience that has not been previously exposed to your ads. For example:

  • Adding a popular show like "My Favorite Murder" to your Planned Campaign might result in 80.5% net new reach, indicating a substantial portion of its audience hasn't been exposed to your previous ads.
  • Another show, "True Crime Obsessed", might show a net new audience of 63%, indicating a different level of incremental reach.

These figures help in making informed decisions on where to allocate your advertising budget for maximum impact.

Utilizing the Campaign Planner Guide

This guide is designed to help you:

  • Strategically Expand Reach: By understanding which shows offer the highest net new reach, you can strategically plan your ad placements to expand your audience effectively.
  • Optimize Ad Spend: Prioritize investing in shows that introduce your brand to the most significant number of new potential customers.
  • Measure Incremental Impact: Evaluate the effectiveness of your ad spend in reaching new segments of your target market, ensuring your podcast advertising strategy continually evolves for better ROI.

Additional Considerations

  • Audience Overlap: Consider the degree of audience overlap between shows to further refine your ad buying strategy.
  • Content Alignment: Beyond reach, ensure the shows align with your brand values and messaging for cohesive brand representation.
  • Continual Analysis: Regularly revisiting your campaign plan and adjusting based on new data ensures your strategy remains dynamic and responsive to changing listener behaviors.

Podscribe’s Campaign Planner tool demystifies the process of identifying the most effective opportunities for podcast ad placements. By leveraging detailed analytics to understand net new reach, advertisers can make data-driven decisions that enhance the effectiveness of their podcast advertising campaigns, driving unparalleled growth and engagement.

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