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Publishers & Agencies FAQ

Publishers & Agencies

Can my client (a brand or an agency) see campaigns from other clients if you make them a login?

No, unfortunately.

We can only tie one advertiser to each account. If an agency has two brands that they're running ads for, we'll make two logins. We can always send you the login first if you’d like to check their account before your client.

The brand should add the 'view' pixel to just the pages it wants to track visits on, right?

You should add the view pixel to every page on a website, and add other pixels (like 'lead' and 'signup') to count the number of attributed visits to a particular page. This will prevent an underestimation of the campaign's effectiveness for situations where someone may have remembered the website but not the specific url. It also lets you count how many non-podcast listeners visit a url.

Check out our attribution guide for further details on this.

What are the metrics I can track for Smart Promos?

Here are some definitions:

  • Conversions - "Converted Devices" - How many devices were exposed to the ad and then downloaded the promoted show
  • Downloads - How many downloads came from converted devices
  • New Converted Devices - How many devices that didn't download the show in the past 60 days were exposed to the ad and then downloaded the promoted show
  • New Device Downloads - How many downloads came from newly converted devices
  • New Subscribers - How many new devices (New converted devices) downloaded at least 3 episodes of the promoted show

New Subscribers are the ideal, as they're new listeners who hadn't downloaded the show recently, and who then downloaded 3+ episodes after hearing the ad.

30 days is the default attribution window for smart promos.

Here’s a video explaining all these terms in depth!

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