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Delivery and Verification FAQ

No Ad Server is set, or it’s the wrong one. How do I change/select it?

Podscribe will do its best to auto-select the correct ad server. But it may be wrong, or blank occasionally. In this case, you can ask the publisher which ad server they need the DAI pixel for, and then select it:

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You can then select Remember for future placements to save this selection for all future campaigns on this show or with this campaign name!
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Can I use the same pixel for multiple campaigns?

If you’re buying on the same show with multiple flights, the pixel will be the same in almost all cases. However, it’s safest to pull pixels assuming that they may be different. To double check, look at the clname parameter in the pixel. If they’re the same, then the pixel is the same.

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How do I know if a pixel is working?

Unlike a prefix, you can only tell if a pixel is placed properly after a campaign starts. This is because with a DAI pixel, Podscribe only receives impressions for downloads your ad is in. If a campaign has been live for over 2 days, the first step is confirming the publisher has placed the correct pixel (sometimes they can get cut off or placed incorrectly). If the publisher has confirmed they have placed it, please email for support!

How do I check if a podcast added the prefix?

A checkmark should appear in the Impressions column:

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You can also check a show page for a green checkmark too:

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Alternatively, for the truest, most accurate check:

  1. Find the show’s page on Podscribe, eg here. Then click the RSS icon to go to the RSS Feed of the podcast:
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  1. Search for “pscrb”. If it pops up on the page, our prefix is there!
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Can I change campaign names?

We do not recommend this. The system uses campaign names to create the pixels. If the campaign name changes after a pixel starts firing, you won't see the pixel's impressions on your dashboard.

If you absolutely must change a campaign name, it's best to create a new campaign instead + send the publisher a new pixel, or only change upcoming campaigns where the publisher hasn't gotten the pixel yet.

How can I see all shows/campaigns being tracked?

On your Campaigns > By Campaign tab in the Delivery header card you can see what fraction are Campaigns are not tracked under Tracking Not Set Up. So the number with tracking set up is the the inverse. Eg ~75% have tracking set up since ~25% in this screenshot have Tracking Not Set Up :

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We suggest using a 7 day timeframe and excluding future campaigns because future DAI campaigns will always show tracking not set up, since Podscribe does not receive impressions for DAI campaigns until they start.

To view all specific shows/campaigns on the dash Podscribe is receiving audio impressions for:

  1. Pull the With Delivery and Performance report from the campaigns tab after setting the date range to be the past week (7D).
  1. Apply Filters to the csv.
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  1. Remove all of the campaigns with the “Tracking Not Set Up” flag using the filter under the Status column.
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  1. Remove duplicate podcast titles.
If the pixel/prefix was not added in time, what can I do? Impression backfill?

Podscribe can accept CSV logs of impressions to backfill campaigns. This requires engineering time on the Podscribe side so expect 1-3 weeks for this. For each campaign to be backfilled, the publisher needs to provide the following in a CSV file, one row for each ad impression (bold=required):

  • timestamp
  • IP address (raw)
  • user agent
  • campaign name
  • episode ID
  • podcast / station name
  • mobile ad ID (eg the IDFA/GAID), if applicable

After backfilling impressions, we can also display the attributed events and retroactive data for those impressions.

Does Tracking Not Set Up mean that the pixels aren't working?

The "Tracking Not Set Up" flag is a bit of a misnomer. It only goes away when:

a) we see our prefix on a podcast's rss feed (for baked-in ads)

b) for faked-in ads, we're getting impressions from the pixel and have found the ad in our transcripts

c) for DAI ads, we're getting impressions from the pixel.

Most DAI campaigns will have that flag on even after the publisher has added the pixels to the campaign. This is because Podscribe can only see if a pixel is firing properly only after the campaign starts. We recommend clicking the flag to ignore it once the publisher has confirmed that they've added the pixel to a particular campaign.

Can Podscribe measure and report simulcast buys?


Does Podscribe have any plans for Terrestrial Measurement?

Not currently.

Which major DSP’s does Podscribe work with?

TTD, adswizz, SPAN, audiohook — our pixel should be callable from all major DSPs.

Is Podscribe able to backfill impressions delivered using data from another pixel? e.g. if we didn't have the Podscribe pixel placed before the ad aired.

Yes! We are able to backfill impressions if you are able to pass us a log that for every impression contains the following:

  1. IP Address
  1. User Agent
  1. Timestamp
  1. Episode/show IDs
Does Podscribe require exact drop dates?

No. Week of is typically fine.

If campaign dates change, do I need to let Podscribe know?

No. You can just update the campaign date on your Google sheet or dashboard without letting us know. Attribution will automatically re-compute. If the drop date changes only a few days, you likely won’t need to change anything at all, since our system matches the correct episode by aircheck.

Does Podscribe have a real-time dashboard?


Is Podscribe supported by all major publishers?

Yes, for streaming & podcasting

Campaigns I've added to my GSheet haven't loaded on my dashboard yet. Can you pull them in?

No need - you can pull it in by clicking the refresh button on your campaigns tab:

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How does Podscribe capture aircheck placements?
  1. for all shows with active campaigns, download the audio for each episode published during the campaign date range.
  1. transcribe the audio of the episode’s snapshot.
  1. label all ads in the transcript.
How does this work with DAI?

Podscribe takes multiple “snapshots” of audio files, storing them for analysis. Since ads may change in different versions, we may find certain ads in one snapshot but not another.

What if Podscribe missed my aircheck?

There are a few things to check:

  1. Was the episode transcribed? If not, do you have a campaign for this show? If yes, message Podscribe for assistance.
  1. Was the ad in the transcript of the episode if you Cmd-F for the advertise name? If yes, but unlabeled, you can label it yourself [DEMO vid] or message the Podscribe team for support.
  1. If the ad was not in the episode’s transcript but you believe as in a later version, you can have Podscribe refetch & re-analyze the episode audio with the refresh button on the episode page. Then the episode will show multiple versions:
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How can I customize a brand’s competitor list?

Any brands listed as a “Competitor” will trigger the “Competitor” flag if they are found in the same episode as the brand:

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To update competitors:

  1. Go to the brand’s page by searching it in the header
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  1. Click the pencil for Edit Advertiser
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  1. Add competitors and click Save
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Why are there impressions but no airchecks?

Sometimes DAI campaigns insert ads into older episodes. It'd be financially untenable if we had to transcribe every old episode that an ad was inserted in, so instead we just transcribe present episodes.

What if a campaign pulls in an ad from the wrong episode?

You can remove it by clicking on the campaign, heading to the Ads tab, clicking the three dots, then clicking “Unmatch ep. from this campaign.”

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Un-match the wrong ad? You can re-add it from the same menu:

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