For YouTube Shows Not on Podscribe:
First, head to the showโs YouTube channel.
If every video published is a podcast episode, then you can copy the link of the Video tab.
The link you should copy will have the word 'videos' at the end of the URL, like this:

If not all videos published are podcast episodes (eg. the podcast episodes are all in a playlist) then click the playlist tab and select the correct playlist.

Copy the YouTube playlist link that contains all of the podcast's episodes. The screen you are taken to should look like this and the link you'd copy has the word playlist in it:

Note that the link cannot link to an individual YouTube video in the playlist, like the latest episode. Any link with the word watch in it will be incorrect. For eg.:

Then, go to your Podscribe dashboard and navigate to the Configure tab in the sidebar.

Click on Add Show/YouTube Channel

Then, paste the copied Youtube link (which should not match any shows). Next, clickAdd YouTube by Playlist/Channel' or 'Add Podcast by iTunes

Paste the YouTube link again, then click Add

Afterward, wait at least 2-3 minutes for the update to take effect. Then, refresh the page and check if the show has been added successfully.
If you have multiple shows to add, you can bulk upload them to the publisher page instead of adding them individually. Simply click "Upload CSV File," and use the Sample Batch file to upload your shows.