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Incrementality (Conversion Lift)

Podscribe's incrementality quantifies the lift in conversions (sales, app installs, site visits, etc) driven by audio ads.

For established advertisers, a fraction of any exposed audience will already be customers. This can lead to inflated results in multi-touch attribution.

Attribution tells how many exposed listeners converted, but incrementality answers:

"How many exposed listeners converted, who would NOT have converted otherwise?"

To isolate a single campaignโ€™s impact, Podscribe creates a control group that is similar in behavior to the exposed audience. The control group should be identical in all ways, except that it does not receive the ad.

The control group establishes a baseline for how often the exposed audience would be purchasing, if not exposed. The conversion lift is the difference in conversions between the exposed and control group, quantifying conversions due strictly to the campaign.

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